ELAROS host webinar on "Building a Long Covid Service"

On the 26th of June ELAROS hosted a webinar to showcase how NHS MDT services are evolving to build a legacy from Long Covid to support patients in primary, community, and care at-home across a range of conditions.

During this webinar, Jeremy Gee from Airedale and Bradford NHS Trusts was invited to share insights into how their Long Covid Rehabilitation service is evolving to support: i) self-referrals, ii) a persistent symptoms service, and iii) vocational rehabilitation in stroke. This digital-first service is currently conducting pilots in these three areas to adapt the learnings from their Long Covid Service first launched in 2020 to support a wider patient group.

A second presentation was given by Professor Manoj Sivan, President of the British Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (BSPRM) and the newly established Post COVID Society in collaboration with NHS England to share his aims for the new professional clinical society for Long Covid and post-viral conditions.

The webinar was chaired by representatives from ELAROS 24/7 Ltd and University of Leeds; developers of the digital C19-YRS clinical research platform recommended by NHS England, NHS Scotland, and adopted internationally; to share case studies from other NHS Long Covid services and organisations who are adapting their approach to support patients with other chronic conditions and harder-to-reach groups in the community.

This webinar was aimed at healthcare professionals supporting patients with Long Covid and other chronic conditions such as chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and PoTS, as well as professionals working in Public Health, General Practice, Rehabilitation Medicine and associated research.

You can learn more about the speakers from the event below or on the teams page

Professor Manoj Sivan, Professor and Honorary Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Leeds & Leeds NHS Trusts, President of the British Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (BSPRM) and Post Covid Society.

Jeremy Gee, Long Covid Clinical Pathway Co-ordinator and Community Advanced Practitioner, Airedale and Bradford NHS Foundation Trusts

Román Rocha Lawrence, Director of Research and Development at ELAROS 24/7 Ltd, Honorary Research Fellow at University of Leeds.