The Digital Bladder Diary™
An innovative way of carrying out the initial assessment, diagnosis and triaging of people with bladder conditions
At some point in their life two out of every three adults will have a bladder related problem, requiring a visit to their GP to identify the problem. Currently, people presenting to their GP with bladder problems are required to complete a paper diary that is then returned to their GP for analysis.
The Digital Bladder Diary™ replaces the paper diary with a hand held recording device that enables people to monitor their own health safely and discreetly. The process of recording information is simple, and enables the patient to take control and management of their bladder issues with dignity. The device is discrete and convenient and the information captured is 100% secure. Using the device enables the patient to keep an accurate up to date bladder diary wherever they are.
More details of the Digital Bladder Diary™can be accessed here.
Improves patient experience
Speeds up diagnosis
Increases clinical accuracy
Easy to use
The information gathered using the diary is uploaded remotely to the cloud which provides an immediate clinical diagnosis and recommended clinical action. Use of the device ensures accurate clinical analysis of data resulting in greatly reduced clinical referrals and unnecessary hospital visits. The time taken to diagnose and treat a patient’s symptoms is cut, reducing anxiety for the patient and offering quick relief from symptoms.
This innovative new way of carrying out initial assessment, diagnosis and triaging of patients with long-term conditions has been specifically designed to be integrated into GP practices, specialist continence providers, community health organisations and acute trusts. The service enhances delivery of the patient pathway and enables compliance with NICE guidelines.
The Digital Bladder Diary™ was developed in collaboration with urology experts from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, with support from the Yorkshire and Humber Academic Health Science Network and the North East & North Cumbria Academic Health Science Network.