ELAROS wins Phase 2 funding through Innovate UKs Small Business Research Initiative for Open-OH project

On the 15th of April 2024 ELAROS was named one of the five winners nationally of the SBRI project funded by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Department of Health and Social Care.
This funding will support ELAROS to deliver the ‘Open-OH’ project aimed at improving in-work health services as part of a government drive to tackle inactivity through an Innovate UK Contracts for Innovation grant.
This opportunity will enable us to accelerate the development and launch of a smart digital occupational health solution for people with Long Covid and other long-term conditions on their rehabilitation journey, recognising the estimated 1.9 million people with LC in the UK, many of whom are significantly impacted at work.
Although, there is a lot of hard work ahead of ELAROS with our early adopters and advisory board, the whole team is immensely excited to see this innovation come to life in the hands of people that need it most.
For more information on the project or to join our early adopter group, please contact open-oh@elaros.com or visit https://open-oh.com
We also wanted to congratulate all the other winners in this competition, it has been amazing to see the inspiring work ongoing in this space.